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Saturday, September 27, 2008

Have you heard of Agnus Castus

Agnus CastusWhere to Get Cheap Group Health Insurance Quotes Online

With all the different group health insurance plans out there, finding the cheapest plan with the best coverage can be a real pain in the you-know-what. Here's an easy way to find cheap group health insurance quotes online.

Group Health Insurance Plans

Before you go shopping for group health insurance the first thing you need to do is sit down and figure out what type of insurance and what kinds of coverage you really need.

Most employers opt for managed health care plans - HMOs, PPOs, and POSs. These plans provide you with a network of health care providers which everyone in the plan goes to when they're ill.

HMOs restrict you to using physicians within the network, while PPOs and POSs let you see non-network physicians for an extra fee. HMOs are the cheapest of the managed health care plans.

Group Health Insurance Coverage

Group health insurance plans all come with different coverages. Here are the main coverages you should consider:

* Hospital coverage pays for your hospital room and medical services.

* Surgical coverage pays for surgeons fees and surgical expenses.

* Physicians coverage pays for doctors' office visits and hospital visits.

* Major medical coverage pays for catastrophic injury or illness expenses.

* Prescription drug coverage pays for all or part of prescription drug costs.

Comparison Shop

The difference in group health insurance plans from one insurance company to another can be $1,000 per person or more, so the first step toward getting cheap group health insurance is to comparison shop.

Thanks to the Internet you don't have to visit a bunch of insurance companies or call their agents on the phone. All it takes is a couple of clicks of your mouse to get group insurance quotes from companies in your area.

Some of these websites offer insurance tips and advice, and some even let you talk with an insurance expert via their online chat service. (See link below.)

Visit or click on the following link to get group health insurance quotes online from top-rated companies in your area and see how much you can save. You can get more health insurance tips by checking out their "Articles" section.

The author, Brian Stevens, is a former insurance agent and financial consultant who has written extensively on getting group health insurance quotes online.


Tue, 16 Sep 2008 04:25:20 EDT
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News on Agnus CastusEarache

Because she was so toxic, we were introduced to the ionic foot bath which she did on a regular basis.

I am not a doctor but my understanding of the foot bath is this:

In a common plastic bucket, you place the metal array in clean water that has a little sea salt in it. The array puts out a very small current with positive and negative ions that circulate through the body. The oppositely charged toxins attach to them and by osmosis the toxins are pulled out through the pores of the feet. The clean water starts to change color depending on what organs are detoxing.
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To get a good understanding of the salt content of your favorite foods, invest in a good nutritional book, like Nutrition Almanac, by Lavon J. Dunne and John Kirschmann. (the newest edition will be out in December 2006). Or my own favorite, The No-Salt Cookbook by David Anderson and Thomas Anderson. Along with great recipes, there is a chapter dedicated to sodium content of most foods, listed alphabetically.

Soon, you will just know how to calculate your sodium intake. It will become second nature. You will be able to scan a meal and just know.

If your local markets don't yet carry low sodium foods, ask the store manager if they can look into ordering what you need. Chances are you are not alone in searching for these low salt items. In the meantime, we have listed many resources for shopping online for low-sodium products on our webiste,
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The emotional toil. Depression, lack of sleep, tiredness, lack of self-esteem and confidence, feelings of failure� The list is endless.

The cost. How much money do you spend on diets that don't work, gyms that you don't go to (or that don't help), and on food you didn't want to eat? If you've finally given up on trying to lose weight, how much does it cost you in happiness?

The gym myth
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