Pines Alfalfa Tablets - Advice Website

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Natural Remedies discussion

Topics on SoapodsWheatgrass Juice

Herbs can be purchased online or at local health food stores. In addition, for treating specific health conditions, you may want to work with a naturopath or an acupuncturist.
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Wheatgrass Juice

Tanita Alcohol Sensor

Enhances Brain Activity

Fish oil is known to boost intelligence and overall happiness in users, as well as improve the memory and ability to stay focused. In the elderly, the risk of dementia and memory loss sometimes decreases with the use of fish oil supplements. Additionally, mothers who consume or take a high amount of omega-3/fish oils during pregnancy often give birth to children with a higher IQ.
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Tanita Alcohol Sensor

Tanita Alcohol Sensor

E-coli bacteria cause severe diarrhea often with bloody stool and can cause kidney failure and possible death. The old and the young are particularly prone to extreme cases of the infection. If you suspect you have been infected with e-coli, contact your physician right away.

E-coli naturally occurs in the intestines of animals like cows and chickens. As these animals are slaughtered and processed, traces of the bacteria can come into contact with the meat. Ground beef seems to be especially prone to getting contaminated. To kill any e-coli (or other bacteria for that matter) that may have �snuck in�, cook all meat to an internal temperature of at least 160 F.

So, how does this same bacteria get into our salad, veggies and fruit? Manure is often used as a natural fertilizer and gets� stuck on the outside of the vegetables and fruits as they grow and are harvested. Produce is cleaned off before it�s bagged and shipped to you, but that doesn�t necessarily mean all the bacteria are gone.
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Tanita Alcohol Sensor


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