Pines Alfalfa Tablets - Advice Website

Monday, October 27, 2008

Have you heard of Raw Cacao Beans

Topics on Raw Cacao BeansSuperfoods

An alteration of the diet such that oxidized fats are decreased, saturated fats are decreased, omega-6 fats are decreased (in Western societies), and omega-3 and omega-9 rich foods are increased may potentially result in a restoration of health to the vessel wall. Prostaglandins created by omega-3 and omega-9 oils create opposite effects to the vessel constricting, clot-forming effects of the omega-6 oils since they compete for the same enzyme system. (Refer to Fig. 18) Therefore, if omega-3 and -9 fatty acids are increased in the diet, they use up the enzyme systems normally used byarachidonic acid to form the atherogenic promoting eicosanoids. This is the present explanation for the epidemiological evidence showing that humans and animals consuming higher levels of the omega-3 and omega-9 classes of fatty acids develop far less of the common cardiovascular problems than exist in Western society.

There is some evidence that the incidence of cardiovascular disease is proportional to the ratios of fatty acid classes in platelets, which is in turn related to diet. Eskimos, for example, have a higher omega-3 to omega-6 ratio in their tissues reflecting their high fish diet, which is in turn related to their low risk of cardiovascular disease compared to Western nations. (Fig. 28)

[ The Formation Of Atheroma Image ]
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