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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A blog about Fullers Earth

News on Fullers EarthRooibos Tea

#5 - Never Snack: I define snacking as anything that you consume that is not a part of your scheduled diet and:

� Has Pleasure as the sole purpose of consummation
� It does nothing to build muscle, put you into a positive nitrogen state, regulate you insulin levels, or stop the development of free radicals.
� Has a protein to carb ratio of less than 1 to 1
� Fat content is greater than 25% of total calories of the product. Please understand that this is the total of a meal. Not all items, as an apple has a protein to carb ratio of less than 1�to-1 it can be scheduled as part of your diet for a given time of day and therefore is not a snack. However, an apple that you grab from off your buddies' desk at work is a snack. Snacks are those meals that are not planned. Success in bodybuilding is about being in control of every aspect of the sport.

# 6- Eat complete meals; if you are hungry eat! If you are not hungry do not eat. Meals should be planned. Since the body can only ingest so many calories before it becomes fat it makes sense to save those calories for proteins and vegetables, rather than snack. In my opinion there is no such thing as a good snack because it takes away from you planned meals.
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Rooibos Tea

Wheatgrass Skin Care

Arthritis Treatment

A very simple and effective arthritis treatment method is using heat as well as cold in different situations to get relief from the stiffness and pain in your joints. For heat treatment, using hot water bottles or a hot water pack and even a heat lamp over the exact spot where the pain is occurring will get you relief. A electric blanket,warm shower and even bathe will relieve you off your morning stiffness and start a new day on a more positive note.

For cold treatment, using cold packs over an inflamed and hot and tender joint should provide considerable relief, while in instances of severe pain, a physiotherapist may advise you a deep heat therapy treatment such as ultrasound. When applying different arthritis treatments, it is necessary to learn some new habits that will relieve your pain and help your body cope with arthritis and also mean not having to take drugs for relief.
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Wheatgrass Skin Care

Natural SupplementsWeight Loss Diets

If your New Year's resolution was to lose weight, there are countless books and Internet websites that you can go to. You'll find popular diets, and diets you've probably never heard of. The simple fact remains that if you stick to almost any diet that is healthy and cuts down your caloric intake, you are going to lose weight. However, the following advice can be applied with any healthy diet, and your changes of success are far greater.

1.Don't ever go shopping on an empty stomach. You'll want to buy everything you see, and you'll probably snack on junk food while you're doing it. Eat something healthy like a carrot before you go shopping and you'll lose your craving for junk food.

2.Leave snack food on store shelves and not in your kitchen cabinets. If you have a craving for junk, and it's not in your house, the craving will pass.

3.When you have your meals, heat off a smaller plate. If you use a smaller plate, you're more likely to put less on it; therefore, you'll get less.

4.Try to understand what triggers your cravings. For example, if you eat junk when you are stressed, instead of going for a bag of chips, go for a walk.

Finally, stick to one plan, and give it time to work. Be true to the plan and avoid snacking at any cost. Snack food contains extra calories that you don't need. And above all, exercise, walk instead of ride, climb stairs instead of taking the elevator and count miles instead of calories.

Fast Weight Loss Diets provides detailed information on Weight Loss Diets, Fast Weight Loss Diets, Weight Loss Diet Pills, Easy Weight Loss Diets and more. Fast Weight Loss Diets is affiliated with Free Weight Loss Programs.

Fullers EarthJohn Todd Wins $100000 Buckminster Fuller Award - UVM News

Tue, 06 May 2008 20:46:49 GMT

John Todd Wins $100000 Buckminster Fuller Award
UVM News, VT - May 6, 2008
To develop his proposal, Todd—who was named a "Hero of the Earth," by Time Magazine in 1999—drew on the concept of ecological succession. ...

John Todd Wins $100000 Buckminster Fuller Award - UVM News

Tue, 06 May 2008 20:46:49 GMT

John Todd Wins $100000 Buckminster Fuller Award
UVM News, VT - May 6, 2008
To develop his proposal, Todd—who was named a "Hero of the Earth," by Time Magazine in 1999—drew on the concept of ecological succession. ...

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