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Friday, May 02, 2008

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Natural SupplementsGood Health Starts With Some Common Sense

Today, we live in a society where more and more people are paying attention to health and wellness. With heart disease, diabetes, and other major diseases rising as well, people are realizing that changing lifestyle is critical. The great thing is that you can change a few things and enjoy living a longer, healthier life. With better diet, exercise, and the elimination of smoking and drinking, you will be on your way to feeling and looking better, physically and mentally.

The truth is that to get into good health, you do have to make changes. At first, some of the changes can be hard but soon you will begin to see differences in the way you feel, usually having better concentration, more energy, and better sleep patterns. In fact, people who make changes for better health say they feel younger and more vibrant.

Typically, you would start by analyzing your diet. The key here is to eliminate processed, fried, and fast foods from your diet. Instead, you want to choose lean meats, fresh fruits and vegetables, and whole grains. Keep in mind that unfortunately, most people think that by eating healthy, they have to consume boring and bland food. However, once you learn how to cook differently and grab healthy snacks, you will not miss the old ways of eating at all.

After changing your diet for health, you want to incorporate exercise into your daily routine. Even 30 minutes of walking will make a huge difference. Chances are you will start to lose weight, tighten muscles, and have more energy but people who exercise also tell you that they find stronger bones, stronger heart, and overall better health. For example, people with osteoporosis actually help fight the disease simply by walking, which helps to strengthen bones.

Finally, in addition to better diet and exercise, you want to stop smoking. With smoking of any kind, you are causing the body serious harm while increasing your risk for major illness. By getting rid of the nicotine, you will find that your health is far better, you can breathe easier, and you smell better. For alcohol, a cocktail or glass of wine on occasion is not bad for the body but you need to keep the quantity within reason. With such changes, you will be on your way to a new and better you, living a life of health.

Grant Segall and Laura G share healtful living and exercise tips for the health magazine as part as an initiative to improve America's health and wellness.

Pollen NewsSuperfoods: U - Z

Arthritis prevention requires changing certain aspects of your lifestyle. By simply adjusting your diet and amount of exercise, you can make a major leap toward preventing arthritis.

You diet is one aspect of your life that you should consider changing if you are trying to prevent arthritis. In studies completed by the University of Manchester, reveal that those people who had a low intake of fruits and vegetables, predominantly those fruits and vegetables containing Vitamin C, had an increased risk of developing arthritis.

Even avoiding your usual can of Coke for a healthy dose of green tea can help with arthritis prevention. Studies have shown that the catechins found in green tea, which are also full of antioxidants, both slow down the breakdown of cartilage and reduce inflammation of the joints.
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Superfoods: U - Z

Pines Wheatgrass Powder

Did the title of this article bring a smile to your lips or cause your eyes to widen? Just when you thought you�d seen it all� you�ve heard of the grapefruit diet, and you will never forget the lingering bitter taste in your mouth. You tried the cabbage diet, and it was enough to make you want to swear off cabbage for the rest of your life. You even tried the soup diet, the Atkins diet, the low-fat diet, and every other fill-in-the-blank diet on the market. A Cactus Diet though? No way�

Don�t worry. I�m not suggesting that you munch on a desert plant. However, that�s how the story of the Hoodia Gordonii Cactus Diet began. Although incorporating the Hoodia Gordonii cactus into your diet is a new concept, its origins date back centuries. In the 1990�s, the CSIR (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research) in Africa conducted a study on the food that the Bushmen ate. They tested different natural food sources, mostly to ensure that the foods were non-toxic. When they found the Hoodia Gordonii cactus, animal testing was ordered to determine whether the plant was toxic.
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Pines Wheatgrass Powder

Superfoods: R - T

Lori Pirog, M.S. is a Nutritionist who shares her knowledge of healthy eating and weight management in her articles, blogs, and websites. To learn more about weight loss, diets, nutrition, and exercise for women visit:
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Superfoods: R - T

PollenInformation about Bee Pollen Infertility Treatment Tips

Fri, 25 Apr 2008 01:49:00 EDT
Bee Pollen contains all of the nutrients needed to sustain life. Bee Pollen has high concentrations of the B vitamin complex, and also contains Vitamins A, C, D, and E. Its composition is: approxi...



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